Thursday 25 June 2009

A weekend in the English countryside

It was a beautiful weekend in at Gravetye Estate in West Sussex, despite the fact that it rained half the time but if it hadn't, that just wouldn't be very english now would it!

My beautiful Tish relaxing in a patch of shade in the garden.

Thursday 4 June 2009

Other photos of the UK

For other photos of the UK see:

Our place in Whitechapel

Our's is 2nd from bottom and left

Why we have a pigeon net.

The Gerkin

...They're always watching!

It's my lucky day! Free beer to promote golf in Liverpool St.

...and a free burger from Zach's Burger stand!

Zach and I.
It always tastes better when it's free!!

A walk down Whitechapel Road


Today is the beginning of a new chapter in the life story of Benjamin Stone-Herbert.
June 4, 2009:
the first day of adventure, discovery, freedom; all things that the shackles of working life have denied me. I am taking a new lease on life.
Yesterday was my final day at work as a photolab printer in London, where like an eagle kept in a cage, I was denied the ability to soar and be invigorated by the airs of freedom we all deserve that belittling bosses squash down with their giant demeaning fists of control and restriction of individuality. I don't have much money, and my plans didn't turn out the way I had expected but at least I am now my own man, not controlled or restricted by others, I am free, young and in London! Here to bring you the views of the world right to those of you still in the grip of working life and those of you who wish to involve yourself in a real life adventure story. My gift to you is an escape from your routine that I no longer endure, so follow me in my adventures may they be big or small.
Today I start off with a walk through Whitechapel,
my mission: to enjoy a day in the big city, penniless but rich in aspirations. Where will I end up?